PLAY ME! Game seminar

The annual PLAY game seminar is back!


The PLAY seminar 2018 focuses on the gap between a game and its audience. In a time where games are available in abundance, the problem for the audience is not to find a game to play, but to detect the game that contains the qualities that they would appreciate the most.

On the other hand – as a developer – you can have the feeling that there is an untapped potential audience that is hard to reach in the noise of all the other available options. Seen in this light, launching a game is not necessarily about making the biggest splash, but about targeting, appealing to and reaching your niche in a vast and wide potential audience. The PLAY ME! seminar takes a kaleidoscopic view on the different stakeholders in bridging the gap between game and audience: publishers, platform owners, curators crowdfunding facilitators, game journalists, and, of course, developers.



Participation in the PLAY ME! game seminar is free but due to a limited number of seats, registration is mandatory.

The PLAY seminars

This seminar is the 14th annual PLAY seminar discussing the forefront of game development and gaming culture. It is organized by Creative Europe Denmark, DFI Spilordningen and DADIU.

Further information about this year's programme and speakers will be available within a few weeks. 

More than ten years of PLAY 
Below are the titles of the 14 years of PLAY. The PLAY-series name was coined around 2010 after two consecutive seminars with "Play" in the title. The original intention was to create an annual seminar that should focus on the content of games rather that the production and funding obstacles.  

2005: The Creative Universes of Computer Game Development 

2006: Independent Games: A challenge for content and creativity 

2007: 360˚ 

2008: Free to PLAY

2009: PLAY for Free 

2010: Users in PLAY

2011: PLAY All 

2012: Engage and PLAY

2013: PLAY Tell 

2014: PLAY X

2015: PLAY for Real

2016: PLAYER

2017: PLAY2017 - VR After the Hype

2018: PLAY ME!


Practical info

13 November 2018

12:30 - 17:30

ASTA, Cinemateket
Gothersgade 55
DK-1123 Copenhagen K



Creative Europe Denmark 
Ene Katrine Rasmussen

Kristine Ploug

Spilordningen / DFI 
Simon Løvind