Sounding Silents


Hvad sker der, når de ældste danske film møder de nyeste musikalske talenter? For tredje år i træk puster studerende fra danske musikkonservatorier nyt liv i de tidlige filmstrimler. Deres resultater bliver fremlagt og fejret den 26. januar, hvor vi slutter af med et glas vin i Asta Bar. Sounding Silents er skabt i et samarbejde mellem Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium, Syddansk Musikkonservatorium og Filminstituttets streamingsite Gratis adgang.

What happens when Denmark’s oldest films meet the nation’s newest musical talents? Under the expert guidance of film composer Mons Niklas Schack and a team of guest lecturers, students from the Rhythmic Music Conservatory and the SDMK – Danish National Academy of Music have breathed new sonic life into selected Danish silent films. When the first silent films were shown in Denmark in the early twentieth century, it was a lively, noisy affair. Cinema projectors chugged and puffed while audiences expressed their delight with squeals, whistles and laughter. In the corner, the house pianist translated every emotion from the black-and-white images into music, hammering them out on the keys.

For the second year in a row, students from the two conservatories bring the silent reels to vivid life. During their studies, they have explored how sound, music, noise and silence can support or challenge the cinematic language. Their results will be presented and celebrated on 26 January, concluding with a glass of wine at the Asta Bar. Sounding Silents is a collaboration between the Rhythmic Music Conservatory, SDMK – Danish National Academy of Music and the Danish Film Institute’s streaming site Entrance is free.

Sounding Silents

Instruktør: Diverse

Hvad sker der, når de ældste danske film møder de nyeste musikalske talenter? For tredje år i træk puster studerende fra danske musikkonservatorier nyt liv i de tidlige filmstrimler. Deres resultater bliver fremlagt og fejret den 26. januar, hvor vi slutter af med et glas vin i Asta Bar. Sounding Silents er skabt i et samarbejde mellem Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium, Syddansk Musikkonservatorium og Filminstituttets streamingsite Gratis adgang.

Danmark, 2024
DCP, 90 min.
Danske mellemtekster
Tilladt for alle


Film i serien – København Stumfilmfestival 2025

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