Antichrist — Nordic Council Nomination

Lars von Trier's "Antrichrist" was today nominated for the prestigious Nordic Council Film Prize 2009.

"Antichrist", winner of Cannes' Best Actress Award for Charlotte Gainsbourg, is distributed throughout Europe in hundreds of prints, reaping solid boxoffice takings. The film will screen at Toronto, where it is selected for the Masters programme in September.

"Antichrist" is produced by Meta Louise Foldager for Zentropa. TrustNordisk handle international sales.

The Nordic Council Film Prize, the most distinguished film art award of the Nordic countries, was introduced in 2005; the first honours going to the Danish film "Manslaughter", directed by Per Fly and produced by Ib Tardini for Zentropa. In 2006 the award went to the Swedish film "Zozo" by Josef Fares, in 2007 the distinction returned to Denmark, to Peter Schønau Fog and Final Cut Productions' "The Art of Crying". In 2008, Roy Andersson's "You, the Living" took the honours.

The Danish member of the Nordic Council Film Jury for 2009 is Professor Anne Jerslev.  

The Nordic Council film prize is administered by Nordic Film & TV Fond, who will announce the winner of the award on 21 October 2009. A few days later, on October 27, the presentation will be held in connection with the Nordic Council Fall Session in Stockholm. Besides the privilege it carries, the award consists of a cash prize of DKK 350,000 to be shared between the film's director, scriptwriter and producer.