Art of Crying-director new talent scout

NEW DANISH SCREEN. Peter Schønau Fog has been appointed new commissioning editor at DFI's talent development programme.

Director Peter Schønau Fog will be replacing Kim Leona as new commissioning editor at New Danish Screen, the Film Institute's hub for talent development operated jointly with the two broadcasters DR and TV 2.  

To see ideas early on

The task of the commissioning editor is to help identify and cultivate new talent in both documentary and fiction.

New Danish Screen

A talent subsidy programme for the development and production of fiction and documentary films in various formats. The programme is aimed at both emerging professional-grade talents and more experienced professionals and is jointly operated by the Danish Film Institute and the national broadcasters Danmarks Radio and TV 2.

"As a talent support programme we have a natural focus on the directors," says Jakob Kirstein Høgel, artistic director of New Danish Screen.

"Therefore it's a big plus for us that Peter Schønau Fog has experience in precisely that field. The editor has to assess projects at a very early stage. My feeling is that Schønau Fog has both the sensivity and analytical acuteness it takes to see the director's ideas and ambition early on – when these are still difficult to express either in words or visually," says Høgel.

Challenge themselves 

Schønau Fog is acclaimed for his feature film debut "The Art of Crying", which made it to festivals worldwide and took home 19 international awards and honours.

"I look forward to being able to support the filmmakers in challenging themselves and their audiences with projects that strive to widen the artistic field of Danish film – both in style and subject matter," says Schønau Fog about the appointment.

Schønau Fog takes up his new position, which is on a fixed-term basis of four years, on 1 December 2010.