Film Education: From Framework to Impact (2019-2021)

Rocks. Directed by Charlotte Croft. From the Danish School Cinema program Med Skolen i Biografen mentioned in the MOOC in the section “Film Education – A wider view”.
The project aimed to devise a practical approach to film education that can be used across Europe.

A growing number of European countries are practicing and introducing film education in the classroom, in cinemas and online. This program, supported by Creative Europe, aimed to devise a practical approach to film education and to support better conditions for high quality practice across Europe. 

The key components of the program were:

  • A Massive Open Online Course and a Website: “Film Education: A User’s Guide”
  • 4 Regional Seminars on Film Education: In Tallinn, Budapest, Athens and Ljubljana
  • A European Survey: “Film Education after the Pandemic: Issues and Challenges”

The course, website and seminars were targeting practitioners and decision-makers working in the field of film education for children and young people in the education sector, including preschools, and at film festivals, cinematheques, libraries and film institutes in Europe and internationally.

The purpose of the survey was to understand the current situation for film education in Europe in order to work more strategically across borders - within the frame of this program as well as in future European programs. 

The project Film Education: From Framework to Impact was created by a group of European partners: