Youth & Film Uganda (2011-2013)

Film Screening in Mbale, Uganda - The Youth & Film Uganda Project
The Youth & Film Uganda project works to create a film culture in Uganda offering young people an opportunity to watch, make and critically relate to film, as a potential tool in developing democracy.

Finished project

Youth & Film Uganda is a programme designed by Maisha Film Lab and the Danish Film Institute combining mobile cinemas and film clubs, festivals, master classes for professional filmmakers and training in film production.

The overall aim is to build a film culture for the Ugandan youth, including in formerly war-torn northern Uganda.

The mobile cinemas and film clubs visit the five cities of Kampala, Gulu, Moroto, Mbale and Mbarara every other month, giving young people regardless of social background a chance to see films and discuss them in their local community. For the latter purpose, Youth & Film Uganda has trained facilitators to screen the films and discuss their content and cinematic language with the young audiences.

In addition to watching films, teens get a chance to make their own films. Station Next, a Danish film school for young people, is organizing film labs in Kampala and Gulu.

Youth & Film Uganda also includes master classes for professional filmmakers to power up local production of youth films.

The project is part of a larger initiative, the Uganda Youth Cultures Project, launched by the Danish Embassy in Uganda and funded by Danish Centre for Culture and Development. The initiative aims to unify the Ugandan youth through cultural approaches and to give young Ugandans various opportunities to express themselves through art, which in turn aims to foster social cohesion and strengthen film education and media literacy.

See films made by young Ugandans






Finished (2011-2013)

Maisha Film Lab

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Charlotte Giese
Special Advisor, Children & Youth
Tel. +45 2332 9030