Library & Videotheque

Photo: Jørgen True
The Danish Film Institute's Library & Videotheque is a leading research source for film and media literature.

The Library holds an extensive collection of books and periodicals, a large archive of newspaper and magazine clippings, and a number of special collections.

The Videotheque is located within the Library and offers a vast selection of feature films, short films, documentaries and television series to watch for free. The films are not available for loan.

The Library & Videotheque is found on the first floor of the Cinematheque and is open to all.


Reindex is a database of the Library's books, periodicals and special collections. Registered users can order and reserve materials as well as renew checked-out materials. Patrons can also check their current account status.

Study places

There are 20 study places that can be used throughout the Library's opening hours. You can use your Health Insurance Card to access the Library outside staffed hours. This requires prior registration at the Library. A Wi-Fi network is available throughout the Cinematheque.

Book a librarian

You can book your own personal librarian to guide you according to your needs. This service is offered to all users of the Library Tuesday to Friday from 09:00 to 19:00.

Book a librarian at

A brief history

The Library was officially opened along with the Danish Film Museum in 1941. The core of the library was made up of collections privately acquired by two Danish film critics, Frederik Schyberg and Ove Brusendorff, the Film Museum's first director.

The Library, which is part of the Danish research library system, has been the leading national library for film and television literature since 1964. In 1996, the Library moved to its present location at the Cinematheque in central Copenhagen.

Library & Videotheque

Gothersgade 55, 1st floor 
1123 Copenhagen K
Tel. +45 3374 3400

Opening hours
Tuesday-Friday: 09:00-21:00
Saturday: 10:45-21.00
Sunday: 10:45-19:00

Staffed hours
Tuesday-Thursday: 12:00-17:00

Use your Health Insurance Card and pincode to access the Library and the Videotheque outside staffed hours.