Danish cinema in Shanghai


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Press release

27 May 2004

Chinese moviegoers will have an
opportunity to see the cream of new Nordic cinema at the Shanghai
International Film Festival, which will take place from 5-13 June. A
delegation from each of the Nordic countries will take part in one of the
highlights at the festival: Nordic Focus, while the Nordic film
institute's umbrella organization, Scandinavian Films, will have their own
promotion booth at the Shanghai Film and TV Market.

The Danish delegation - Henning Camre,
CEO of the Danish Film Institute (DFI), Lizette Gram, DFI Festival
Manager, Kim Magnusson, head of film production at Nordisk Film; and the
directors Jesper W. and Nils Malmros - will be present at a number of
events including the press conference opening Nordic Focus on 6 June, and
a specialized seminar on contemporary Scandinavian cinema.

Three Danish feature films will be
screened for the festival participants: Jesper W. and Angel Films' "Okay",
Nils Malmros and Nordisk Film's "Facing the Truth" and Lone Scherfig and
Zentropa's "Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself".

For further

Shanghai International
Film Festival: www.siff.com
Danish Film
Institute Lizette Gram, +45 3374 3506,
+45 2482 3758, lizetteg@dfi.dkVicki
Synnott, +45 3374 3438, vickis@dfi.dk