Danish doc catalogue online

NEW DOCUMENTARIES. Denmark has nine docs on show at IDFA, and a large repertoire of many more intriguing docs and shorts. Get an overview and find the facts on the current Danish documentaries and short fictions.

In "My Afghanistan", director and journalist Nagieb Khaja gives mobile cameras to a group of Afghan civilians and let them film their own lives. In "The Ghost of Piramida", Andreas Koefoed follows the band Efterklang as they record the sounds of an abandoned mining town. In "A Normal Life", Mikala Krogh documents a mother's struggle to maintain a normal life for her family with a daughter with cancer.

That's just a few of the current Danish documentaries you can read about in the catalogue below. The 2012-2013 catalogue showcases 15 documentaries and 6 short fiction films. Check out the repertoire and find all the facts and key contacts.