Danish film policy for children and youth inspires Brazil

In September, Brazilian film professionals will be introduced to the Danish model of earmarking at least 25 percent of all state film subsidies for children and youth films.

With an eye cast on the successful Danish children's films — the fruits of this policy — Brazilian Kids Film Festival in Rio de Janeiro has invited the Danish Film Institute (DFI) to talk about the support and production of films for children and young people in Denmark.

Charlotte Giese, head of the Centre for Children & Youth Film at the DFI, and film director Rumle Hammerich will speak at seminars for film professionals in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo (20 – 24 September).

The Danish model has enjoyed international focus for a number of years. Recently, the DFI has held talks for film professionals in Athens, Johannesburg, Cape Town and Zanzibar.

For further Information:

DFI brochureFilms for Children & Young People The Danish ExperienceDFI English

Danish Film Institute (DFI)Charlotte Giese, +45 2332 9030, charlotg@dfi.dk