Exhibition figures — overviews online

Overviews of Danish cinema exhibition figures for 2006 are available online at dfi.dk. These include

an overview of accumulated admissions per title for all films screened during the period 1976-2006
an overview of admissions per title for all films screened in 2006 (shows the Top-20)
For each film title, both overviews include the country of origin, boxoffice revenue and a coded 'classification of approval' by The Media Council for Children and Young People.

an overview of the country of origin of all films screened in Danish cinemas in 2006. This table shows the total number of films together with admissions and boxoffice revenue for each country.
These overviews are prepared by the national bureau of statistics: Statistics Denmark.
The annual brochure "Facts & Figures", published by the Danish Film Institute (DFI), will be available in May.
For further information:
Danish Film Institute (DFI)Sanne Junker Pedersen, +45 3374 3440, sannap@dfi.dkVicki Marie Synnott, +45 3374 3438, vickis@dfi.dkOverviews on dfi.dkBoxoffice Denmark