Facts & Figures 2008

The Danish Film Institute presents the latest edition of Facts & Figures with production and exhibition figures for 2007.The figures show, yet again, proof of the sustainability of Danish films. With 3.1 million admissions, the domestic market share is at 26%, following the trend since 2001 of a domestic share above 25%.In 2007, 27 of 235 releases were Danish. In a market place otherwise dominated by American releases, Danish films stand tall with an average number of tickets sold reaching 115,000 – almost twice the average number of all American releases at 65,000.Danish films' high performance is also manifest on 2007's Top 20. As in previous years, eight Danish films are represented – eight films displaying diversity in audiences and genre. While the three international blockbusters "Harry Potter", "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Shrek" take Top 3, two Danish titles land on fifth and eighth place respectively, each with more than 300,000 tickets sold: the family comedy "Anja & Viktor – Flaming Love" and the drama-comedy "Temporary Release". Also on the Top 20 is the international festival hit "The Art of Crying", confirming yet again that the art of film is alive and in high demand among the Danish audiences.One of a series of new initiatives in the Facts & Figures 2008 is a focus on Danish films abroad and on the importance of the European market in general. Interestingly, the figures for the period 2002-06 indicate that 33% of total tickets sold for Danish films in the EU were bought in other EU countries than Denmark – for every two tickets sold to a Danish film in Denmark, one ticket was sold in Europe. Only Great Britain has a higher EU performance at 60%.The Facts & Figures 2008 is available on the Danish Film Institute's website: www.dfi.dk/english/statisticsFor further information:Danish Film Institute
Claus Noer Hjorth, clausnh@dfi.dk, +45 3374 3526
Henrik Bo Nielsen, hbn@dfi.dk, +45 3374 3501