First step in Oscar race

SHORTLIST. "Superclásico", "A Funny Man" and "A Family" are shortlisted for the title as Denmark's Oscar candidate in the Best Foreign Language category.

The Toronto Film Festival is approaching. Selected for the international programme are Ole Christian Madsen's "Superclásico" and Martin P. Zandvliet's "A Funny Man", two of the films on the Danish Oscar entry shortlist. Also on the shortlist is Pernille Fischer Christensen's "A Family", winner of a top award in Los Angeles and the FIPRESCI Award in Berlin.

A Funny Man

"A Funny Man" opened in Danish cinemas on 24 August to rave reviews and enjoyed the best opening weekend at the boxoffice this year. The film uncovers the lost dreams of legendary Danish comedian Dirch Passer, played by Nikolaj Lie Kaas who is currently on US screens with the English-language "The Whistleblower".

Zandvliet's debut feature "Applause" with Paprika Steen was well received by US critics and festivals. "A Funny Man" was produced by Koncern Film. LevelK handles international sales.

SuperClasico  "Superclásico". Photo: Shazia Khan


"Superclásico" opened domestically in March and is a comedy about Anna (Paprika Steen) who has settled in Buenos Aires, and her ex-husband Christian (Anders W. Berthelsen) who hasn't given up hope of winning her back.

Ole Christian Madsen was director of the 2008 boxoffice hit "Flame & Citron" drawing 667,000 to the theatres. "Superclásico" is produced by Nimbus film, and international sales are handled by The Match Factory.

en-familie2  "A Family". Photo: Rolf Konow

A Family

Pernille Fischer Christensen's "A Family", in domestic theatres since February, won the international film critics' award in Berlin in 2010 and took home the Best Narrative award at the Los Angeles Film Festival.

Ditte (Lene Maria Christensen) is faced with the difficult choice between duty and self realisation when her father (Jesper Christensen), fatally ill, wants her to be the new head of the family's bakery dynasty. "A Family", produced by Zentropa, is sold to several territories through TrustNordisk.

Final candidate on 20 September

The Danish Oscars Committee is set up by the Danish Film Institute and film industry organizations and will name the final Danish candidate for the Oscar race on 20 September.

The Oscar Academy announce the five nominations for Best Foreign Language Film on 24 January, and the awards show in Los Angeles will take place on 26 February 2012.