GoodPlanet hub at Filmhouse Asta Bar

During COP15 summit, talks, debates and movie screenings will be part of GoodPlanet's environmental festival taking place at the Filmhouse – open to all, free entry.

Asta Bar at the Filmhouse will be the hub for visitors who want to network, exchange views with important players attending the COP15 summit, and discuss with NGO representatives. Guests will also be able to watch dozens of movies and enjoy a break at the Café and restaurant SULT.  

During the festival, taking place 8-18 December, GoodPlanet and its founding president Yann Arthus-Bertrand will be welcoming key personalities, including Nobel Peace laureates Al Gore and Wangari Maathai, and Dr Rajendra Pachauri, Chair of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC.



Telephone +45 3374 3412

Danish Film Institute
Gothersgade 55
1123 Copenhagen K

Tuesday-Friday 9:30–22:00
Saturday–Sunday: 12–22:00
Monday closed

How to find us

The Filmhouse is located in central Copenhagen at Gothersgade 55, opposite the Kings Garden and Rosenborg Castle.

The Bus line 350S stops almost at the main entrance to the Filmhouse. The stop at Kronprinsessegade is closest.

The Filmhouse in an 8-10 minute walk from City Hall, and Nørreport Station,centre for trains, the Metro, and buses.

Filmmakers will be present to introduce their films, among them, the producers of "8", Nicolas Hulot, director of "One", and Franny Armstrong, director of "The Age of Stupid". The film repertoire consists of documentaries, short and feature length fiction and animated movies.

Programme 8-18 December in Bio Asta

10:00-13:00 Screening of the project "6 Billion Others"

13:00-17:00 Non-stop screenings of climate films, short and feature-length fiction, documentaries and animated films

17:00-23:00 Talk and debates. NGOs will present their own films followed by panels and debates.


Friday 18 December: screening and closing with Yann Arthus-Bertrand

Screening time to be announced: "The Antarctica Challenge". Even this white continent is harmed by climate change, as a Canadian expedition has shown. The screening is followed by a discussion with the team and with Ontario's Minister of the Environment.

Closing talk by Yann Arthus-Bertrand

Booking tickets

Free tickets can be booked by calling the Cinematheque  (+45) 3374 3412 or following the booking procedure on, available in Danish only. The ticket office is open daily: Tuesday-Friday 09:30-22:00 and Saturday-Sunday 12:00-22:00.

Read more about GoodPlanet


Tuesday 8 December: Introducing COP15

17:00 pm: Guest speaker Dr. Stephen Schneider, Stanford University. Other speakers include sociologist and feminist Dessima Williams, UN Ambassador from Grenada. Moderator will be the rising green star Olivia Zaleski of CNN's Business of Green. Short movies will be screened.

Wednesday 9 December Press Conference & Opening

18:00 pm: Press Conference
20:00 pm: Opening with Yann Arthus-Bertrand.
Two films screening: the world premiere of "6 Billion Others"; six reporters film 5,000 interviews with people in 75 countries – about their hopes, dreams, fears, and problems.  "Home", by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, is a film focusing on the changes and challenges of our planet.

Thursday 10 December: Oceans Day

15:25 pm: screening "A Sea Change".
A touching story of a father trying to explain to his son how to preserve the ocean.
20:00 pm: screening "The Last Days of Shishmareff".
A unique journey into the changing life of a village in the midst of a meltdown in Alaska.

Friday 11 December: Economics and the environment

13:00 pm: A selection of the funniest, strangest or most original short movies on environmental issues.
13:45 pm: "The Great Squeeze", by Cristophe Fauchere. Not only oil but many other ressources will be lacking in the coming years. What will it mean to us, to our way of life and to our economy?
15:00 pm: "The 22th Hour", a movie about the last moment when chang is possible. Created, produced and narrated by Leonardo di Caprio.
17:00 pm: Debate entitled "It's the economy, Stupid"—the famous sentence coined by Bill Clinton's winning campaign team agoinst George Bush in 1992—with Pavan Sukhdev, former Deutsche Bank economist, Mathis Wackernagel, inventor of "Ecological Footprint", and Dave Batker, CEO of Earth Economics .
20:00 pm: Screening: "The Age of Stupid". This news-breaking and humorous movie about why we are not doing anything for the planet will be followed by a discussion with the film's director Franny Armstrong. 

Saturday 12 December: Nobel Day – two Nobel Peace laureates

17:00-19:00 pm: Screening "Taking Root", portraying the life of Wangari Maathai, Nobel Peace laureate, who organized the women of Kenya in a movement called Green Belt. The film will be followed by a debate with special guests Wangari Maathai and co-director Alan Dater.
20:00-21:00 pm: Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, Chair of IPCC. The work of the IPCC has been hailed as laying the scientific foundation of the Kyoto Protocol and fuels the sought-for agreement of COP15. The IPCC was awarded the Nobel Peace prize in 2007 along with Al Gore.

Monday 14 December: Al Gore, Nobel Peace laureate

20:00-21:00 pm: Al Gore
21:00 pm: Screening "They Killed Sister Dorothy", the true story of a 73 year-old nun shot six times in the street for defending the peasants and fighting against deforestation in the Amazons.

Tuesday 15 December: two screenings and evening guest speaker

13:00 pm: Screening "Go Further", a humorous movie about Californian activists.
16:00 pm: "China in a Torrent", a documentary about Chinese NGO and officials amidst corruption and rapid economic growth – in a fight against pollution and dams in present-day China.
Evening programme:  Achim Steiner, Esecutive director of UNEP (the United Nations Programme for the Environment)

Wednesday 16 December: two screenings

"Last Call for Planet Earth": Renowned architects from from around the world voice their concerns for a better planet.  
"One": This is the world premiere of the English version of the French movie "Le syndrome du Titanic" with director Nicolas Hulot, leading French environmentalist, TV-producer and presenter, and initiator of the "Grenelle de l'environnement".           

Thursday 17 December: African Day – special guest President of Mali and concert

18:00 pm:  Amadou Toumani Touré, President of Mali, in the company of guests from neighbouring countries announces an African initiative.
21:00 pm: concert with Salif Keita. Limited number of free tickets.