GuldDok Awards 2007

At the opening night of CPH:DOX, 8 November, the Danish Producers' Association presented their GuldDok Awards, celebrating the 2007 yield of Danish documentaries:  GuldDok 2007"The Monastery"/ Pernille Rose Grønkjær/ Tju-Bang Film
GuldDok for Best Long Doc "Ghost of Cité Soleil"/ Asger Leth/ Nordisk Film

GuldDok for Best Short Doc"One Day"/ Ditte Haarløv Johnsen/ National Film School of DenmarkGuldDok for Best Children & Youth Doc"Solo"/ Kasper Torsting/ Fridthjof Film
GuldDok for Best Debut Doc "En forening i modvind"/ Christoffer Dreyer/ Cosmo Doc
GuldDok for Best SoundReda A. H El-Kheloufi/ "Der er en krig uden for mit vindue"/ National Film School of Denmark
GuldDok for Best Editor Adam Nielsen/ "Ghosts of Cité Soleil"/ Nordisk Film
GuldDok for Best Cinematography Minka Jakerson/ "One Day"/ National Film School of Denmark
The Jury' Special Prize for Best Doc Production Mette Heide/ "Milosevic on Trial"/ Team ProductionsRoos Award 2007 Steen Møller Rasmussen, director
For further information:www.cphdox.dkDanish Producers' Association DFI news on the Roos AwardDanish Film InstituteVicki Marie Synnott, +45 3374 3438,