Kids Love Film

PUBLICATION. 25 percent of the Danish Film Institute's subsidy pool is allocated to films and activities for children and young people, from the production of films and computer games, over learning resources and cultural exchange, to the FILM-X studio, a learning ground for hands-on filmmaking. Read more about the unit's activities in the web-publication 'Kids Love Film'.

Children and young people love moving images. On television, on their cell phones and at the cinema. Moving images that make them laugh and cry, and reflect.

The Danish Film Institute has for several decades striven to give children and young people the very best opportunities for experiencing moving images in their everyday lives. In a global context too, the DFI engages proactively with films for children and young people, from production and distribution to film education.


Read more about the unit at this website
Children & Youth

Find out more about the DFI Children & Youth unit in the brochure Kids Love Film.