Three animated shorts directed by Siri Melchior are selected for the Generation Kplus competition at the Berlinale (11-21 February).
"Lili Loves Food," "Lili Brushes her Teeth" and "Lili's Playdate" are three-minute shorts about life at 3 packed with colour and music. The films are part of a series of eight films about Lili's adventures based on Kim Fupz Aakeson's books. They are produced by Marie Bro for Dansk Tegnefilm, a well-renowned Danish animation studio who were behind last year's Generation-participant "Mini and the Mozzies" by Jannik Hastrup and Flemming Quist Møller.
Siri Melchior graduated in animation from the Royal College of Art, London, in 1999, and has a degree in graphic design from the Royal Danish Academy's School of Design (1995) and a BA in Art History from Copenhagen University (1991). She is noted for her animation shorts aimed at pre-schoolers such as "The Dog Who Was a Cat Inside" (2002), "Whistleless" (2009), which premiered in Berlin's children's competition, and the series about "Rita and Crocodile" (2014).
Berlin International Film Festival 11-21 February 2016