"Milosevic On Trial" receives EBU's Golden Link Award

The documentary film "Milosevic on Trial" received the European Broadcasting Union's Golden Link Award for Best Co-production in Europe. The winner was announced at the opening of the Sunny Side of the Doc Film Festival in La Rochelle on 25 June."Milosevic on Trial" is directed by Michael Christoffersen, and produced by Mette Heide for Team Productions. The film received support from the Danish Film Institute (DFI).Since the beginning of the trial against the former Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in 2002, Michael Christoffersen has followed the key players. He obtained exclusive access behind the scenes, enabling him to film with the prosecutor, Milosevic' assigned counsel and his Serbian advisers.Team Productions negotiated for a full 10 months with the Tribunal to obtain the exclusive rights to film the trial. When the case closed, after the death of Milosevic, the filmcrew had shot some 250 hours of film, footage of the key players - in scenes outside the courtroom, at meetings, on secret missions, and in interviews. The material from the courtroom is from the Tribunal's own film of the courtcase. Team Production had access to some 2000 hours of film from the Tribunal.For further information: LinksTeam Productions European Film Union (EBU)  Team ProductionsMette Heide,+45 2042 6994, heide@team-productions.comDanish Film InstituteEnglish website www.dfi.dk/englishFactsheet: Milosevic On Trial