Minor Co-production Feature FIlms

"Brief History of a Family" directed by Jianjie Lin is co-produced by Rikke Tambo Andersen for Tambo Film with support from The Danish Film Institute. Selected for Sundance Film Festival 2024 and Berlinalen 2024. Photo: Jiahao Zhang

The purpose for funding co-productions is to support feature films of high artistic quality and production value that may reach a national and international audience, as well as projects that can inspire and contribute to the development of skills in the film industry and thereby strengthen international collaboration.

The Danish Film Institute gives priority to co-productions that contribute to the overall objectives of cultural significance and diversity. The following aspects are weighted in the assessment of applications:

  • the artistic quality of the project
  • the collaboration between the international producer and the Danish co-producer
  • the technical and creative collaboration
  • the potential for screening at international festivals 
  • the potential for distribution in Denmark
  • the possibility for contributing to a diverse film culture

The editorial board prioritizes projects that have artistic strength and a potential for being selected for A festivals, or projects which are foreseen as leading Nordic works capable of reaching a wide audience in Denmark.

In relation to the collaboration between the producers, the board considers previous co-productions and/or future projects and gives priority to a Danish creative and technical contribution that is instrumental in enhancing the quality of the project.  

Which films can receive funding?

The Danish Film Institute can allocate funding for film projects where the Danish producer is not the main producer.

There must be Danish creative and technical participation in the production.

There must be a distribution deal for theatrical release, a broadcast deal on Danish television or other national distribution, e.g. digital, aimed at a Danish audience.

The financing in the major co-producing country must be confirmed.

Who can apply?

The application must be submitted by a Danish production company.

How is the application handled?

The application is handled by a selection committee consisting of Film Commissioners Annette K. Olesen, Kirstine Vinderskov, Søren Frellesen, Editor Flemming Kaspersen, International Producer Christian Juhl Lemche and Head of International Jacob Neiiendam.

Replies can be expected approx. five weeks after the Danish Film Institute has received the application.

How to apply?

Read how to apply for funding and find terms, application deadlines and contact information on this page.

Please note that applications can only be submitted by the Danish producer which is why the application form is available in Danish only. An English translation can be found on this page.

Application deadlines


4 February at 12 noon (Answer can be expected within six weeks after deadline)

29 April at 12 noon (Answer can be expected within five weeks after deadline)

9 September at 12 noon (Answer can be expected within six weeks after deadline)

9 September is the last deadline in 2025

For deadline based support schemes the application date equals the deadline date.


Christian Juhl Lemche 
International Producer
Feature Film
Tel. +45 2148 8522

Mailing address
Danish Film Institute
Gothersgade 55
1123 Copenhagen K