"Klown" duo Casper Christensen and Frank Hvam are playing the leads in their new film, "DAN-DREAM," which is shooting right now in Funen in southern Denmark.
The film is a comedy about the phenomenon of the "Jante Law," a negative term used in the Scandinavian countries to describe a pattern of group behaviour where individual success, placing you outside the collective norm, is frowned upon.
Christensen and Hvam had widespread success with their comedies "Klown" and "Klown Forever," in which they play larger-than-life versions of themselves as they stumble from one socially awkward situation to the next, exposing any and all negative male impulses.
Jesper Rofelt is debuting as feature director on "DAN-DREAM" and Jesper Zartov is producing for Nutmeg Movies with funding support from the Danish Film Institute. Domestic release is scheduled for 30 March 2017.