New Head of Department at the DFI

At its meeting on
31 January 2001 the board of the DFI appointed Lars Feilberg as the new
head of department for Production & Development.
A graduate of the
Copenhagen School of Business and Administration in 1989, Leif Feilberg
served as finance director, producer, and chief executive of Domino Film
& TV Production A/S. He was a member of the executive board of MTV
Produktion A/S, CEO of Endemol Entertainment, and project manager and
consultant for the group board of Metronome Film & Television in
Stockholm. He currently runs his own company, Filmberg.
Lars Feilberg has
served on a number of film and television industry boards and committees,
and contributed to the efforts of the Danish Producers Association. He has
also served as chairman of the national committee of the Swedish
TV-Producenters Intressentförening, and on the committee of
Filmproducenternes Rätighedsförening in Sweden.
The appointment
ensures a good balance between important qualifications for a demanding
job: financial expertise, management experience at senior executive level,
knowledge of film production and its financing, and extensive familiarity
with the industry as a whole.
Lars Feilberg will
take up his new post on 1 April 2001 when the present head of department,
Thomas Stenderup, steps down.
For further
information please contact:
Danish Film
InstituteHenning Camre, CEOTelephone +45 3374