Another Round nominated for the Golden Globes

NOMINATION. Thomas Vinterberg's 'Another Round', Denmark's official Oscar entry, moves forward in the Golden Globe Awards as one of the nominees in the Foreign Language Film category. The winners will be announced on 28 February.

The nomination of Thomas Vinterberg's 'Another Round' marks the ninth Danish feature film to enter the final round in the Golden Globe Awards – and for Thomas Vinterberg his third feature in the race, after 'The Celebration' in 1999 and 'The Hunt' in 2014.

Carrying the Cannes Festival's prominent Official Selection stamp, ‘Another Round’ has enjoyed great recognition both at home and internationally.

The film made its on-site world premiere at the Toronto Film Festival, won three awards in San Sebastián including Best Actor and took home the main prize at the London Film Festival, before sweeping the board at the European Film Awards with wins in the director, actor and screenplay categories as well as grabbing the main prize of European Film.

Domestically, Vinterberg's drama about four weary high school teachers experimenting with the liberating effects of alcohol received excellent reviews at its September release and managed to sell a stunning 802,000 cinema tickets before the country's second corona shutdown.

The film is selected as Denmark's Oscar entry, with shortlists to be announced for the Academy Awards on Tuesday, 9 February.

'Another Round' is produced by Sisse Graum and Kasper Dissing for Zentropa and is set for distribution in most international markets. The film has already performed well in France and England. In the US, it was released theatrically on 4 December, with a VOD release following on 18 December.

The 78th Golden Globe Awards will be revealed on 28 February.

Danish films at the Golden Globes

'Another Round' is the ninth Danish film to receive a nomination for the Golden Globes in the Foreign Language category. Three films have won the category:

Golden Globe winners

  • The Word by Carl Theodor Dreyer, 1956
  • Pelle the Conqueror by Bille August, 1988
  • In a Better World by Susanne Bier, 2010

Golden Globe nominees

  • Harry and the Butler by Bent Christensen, 1961
  • Babette's Feast by Gabriel Axel, 1988
  • The Celebration by Thomas Vinterberg, 1998
  • A Royal Affair by Nikolaj Arcel, 2012
  • The Hunt by Thomas Vinterberg, 2013
  • Another Round by Thomas Vinterberg, 2021