Claus Ladegaard Is the Danish Film Institute's New CEO

The DFI Board has decided to appoint Claus Ladegaard as its new CEO starting 1 January 2018.

Claus Ladegaard has worked at the Danish Film Institute since 2006, first as Head of Production & Development and since 2015 as Head of Film Funding. Previously a producer at now defunct Easy Film, he later worked at a number of other production companies and as an instructor and consultant. He has a Masters in Communication from Roskilde University. Ladegaard succeeds Henrik Bo Nielsen who left in September after ten years in the position.  

In a unanimous decision, the Board emphasized Ladegaard’s in-depth knowledge of the whole field of film and media. He has been behind an overhaul of the funding system, and he has the qualifications to develop the Film Institute’s activities on an ongoing basis to ensure that Danish cinema continues to be characterized by vitality and cultural significance going forward. 

Anders Kronborg, Chairperson of the Danish Film Institute, says, "I am delighted that Claus Ladegaard the second time around accepted the Board’s invitation to apply for the position of Film Institute CEO. He has clear visions for the development of Danish cinema, and his experience with the funding system and the film industry is crucial in the ongoing digital transition. Moreover, the Board has appointed a CEO who is a clear communicator, has an open and trust-based management style and will be able to strengthen cooperation internally at the Film Institute and with the industry and the political system." 

Claus Ladegaard says, "The Film Institute is a major cultural institution, and it is a tremendous vote of confidence to be given the opportunity to lead the organisation and the forward-looking and ambitious public film policy that the institute is charged with overseeing. Doing so in collaboration with skilled co-workers and a world-class film industry fills me with joy and a great deal of humility. Danish cinema occupies a central position, both nationally and internationally, and continuing that development is a challenge, but it is a task I am approaching with great pleasure and supreme confidence in Danish cinema."

For further information, please contact: 

Claus Ladegaard
Tel. +45 3374 3433 
Tel. +45 4032 6212