Danish films lead the box office

BOX OFFICE. Nearly 500,000 cinemagoers went to see Danish features during last week's autumn break, making it the best result since 2012 despite corona restrictions. The Danish market share was no less than 78 percent.

The Danish cinemas are still under pressure from covid-19. The total box office during the week of the autumn break was 22 percent lower than last year. Since the beginning of 2020, 5.6 million cinema tickets have been sold compared to 10.4 million tickets during the same period last year. 


Martin Kofoed Hansen
Analysis Consultant
Tel. +45 2630 4008

However, during the autumn holiday (8-19 October), Danish films accounted for roughly 500,000 tickets sold, marking the best performance since 2012. 

The Danish market share was at 78 percent. The American films usually average at a 50 percent market share but this year only accounted for 8 percent.

Market shares during autumn breaks 2015-20

The three most popular films in the cinemas during the holiday period were all Danish.

The most watched feature was 'Another Round', selling upwards of 220,000 tickets. Thomas Vinterberg's drama with Mads Mikkelsen, which is now the best-selling film this year, is followed by the family film 'Father of Four and the Vikings', which sold 205,000 tickets. Anders Ølholm and Frederik Louis Hviid's debut feature, the police thriller 'Shorta', came in third with 67,000 tickets sold. 

This year will see nine more Danish film premieres in the cinemas, seven features and two documentaries:

First up are 'The Food Club' by Barbara Topsøe-Rothenborg and 'I Walk' by Danish auteur Jørgen Leth, both premiering 22 October, followed by Henrik Ruben Genz' historical drama 'Erna at War' (29 October) and Jens Dahl's horror film 'Breeder' (31 October).

Premiering in November are the documentary '7 Years of Lukas Graham' by René Sascha Johannsen (5 November), the two children's films 'All I Want for Christmas 2' by Christian Dyekjær (12 November) and 'Malou's Christmas' by Claus Bjerre (19 November), and Anders Thomas Jensen's comedy 'Riders of Justice' (19 November).

Finally, in December, Søren Kragh-Jacobsen will premiere his drama 'Oh, To Be a Butterfly' (3 December).