Holiday named Best Film at Bodil Awards

AWARDS. Isabella Eklöf's feature debut 'Holiday' was the big winner at the Danish film critics' Bodil Awards on Saturday. The inaugural Blockbuster Talent Prize went to Gustav Möller for his work on 'The Guilty'.

Isabella Eklöf's 'Holiday' took home four Bodil Awards at the Danish film critics' annual awards event held Saturday, 2 March, in Copenhagen. 

Eklöf's debut feature won for Best Film, Best Actress (Victoria Carmen Sonne), Best Supporting Actor (Lai Yde Holgaard) and Best Cinematographer (Nadim Carlsen). The drama premiered last year at the Sundance Film Festival and won two awards at Austin Fantastic Fest.

Gustav Möller received the inaugural Blockbuster Talent Prize for 'The Guilty'. Möller premiered his debut feature at Sundance, where it won an Audience Award. The crime thriller was shortlisted for this year's Oscars and picked up seven trophies at the Danish Film Academy's Robert Awards in February.

As at the Roberts, Jakob Cedergren received Best Actor for 'The Guilty', while Best Script went to Jakob Weis for 'That Time of Year', directed by Paprika Steen. Simon Lereng Wilmont's Oscar-shortlisted 'The Distant Barking of Dogs' secured the Bodil for Best Documentary.

See all winners below.

Bodil Awards / Winners 2019

Best feature
'Holiday' by Isabella Eklöf

Best actress 
Victoria Carmen Sonne ('Holiday')

Best actor
Jakob Cedergren ('The Guilty')

Best supporting actress
Katrine Greis-Rosenthal ('A Fortunate Man')

Best supporting actor
Lai Yde Holgaard ('Holiday')

Best documentary
'The Distant Barking of Dogs' by Simon Lereng Wilmont

Best American feature
'The Florida Project' by Sean Baker 

Best non-American feature
'Roma' by Alfonso Cuarón

Best cinematographer
Nadim Carlsen ('Holiday')

Best script
Jakob Weis ('That Time of Year')

Honorary Bodil
Arne Bro, for his work as head of the documentary programme at the National Film School of Denmark

Special Bodil
Subtitles translator Henrik Thøgersen

Henning Bahs Award
Production designer Simone Grau Roney ('The House That Jack Built')

Blockbuster Talent Prize
Gustav Möller ('The Guilty')