Queen of Hearts named best film at Bodil Awards 2020

AWARDS. May el-Toukhys acclaimed drama 'Queen of Hearts' was the big winner at the Danish Film Critics' Bodil Awards on Saturday. This year's talent prize went to Ulaa Salim for his debut feature 'Sons of Denmark'.

The Sundance winning drama 'Queen of Hearts' by May el-Toukhy won big at the Bodil Awards, the Danish Film Critics' annual award show, held Saturday 1 March in Copenhagen. The film took home four awards including Best Film, Best Leading Actress (Trine Dyrholm), Best Supporting Actor (Gustav Lindh) and Best Cinematographer (Jasper Spanning). 

The film tells the story of Anne, a dedicated lawyer who lives what appears to be the picture-perfect life with her husband, Peter, and their twin daughters. When her estranged teenage stepson, Gustav, moves in with them, Anne's escalating desire leads her down a dangerous rabbit hole, jeopardizing both her career and family.

Emil Langballe won the prize for Best Documentary for 'Q's Barbershop' about a barbershop in Vollsmose, the largest social housing project in Denmark. Also among the winners were Frelle Petersen for his screenplay for 'Uncle', the acclaimed winner of the Grand Prize at Tokyo Film Festival last year. Ulaa Salim won this year's talent prize for his debut feature 'Sons of Denmark'. 

Veteran actor Jesper Christensen won the Bodil Award for Best Leading Actor for his turn in Michael Noer's period drama 'Before the Frost'. Sofie Torp won the Bodil Award for Best Supporting Actress for her part in the hostage drama 'Daniel'. Production designer Josephine Farsø won a prize for her work on Toronto-selected 'Resin'. 

See all the winners below.

Bodil Award Winners 2020

Best Feature

  • 'Queen of Hearts' directed by May el-Toukhy

Best Leading Actress

  • Trine Dyrholm for 'Queen of Hearts'

Best Leading Actor

  • Jesper Christensen for 'Before the Frost'

Best Supporting Actress

  • Sofie Torp for 'Daniel'

Best Supporting Actor

  • Gustav Lindh for 'Queen of Hearts'

Best Documentary

  • 'Q's Barbershop' by Emil Langballe

Best Cinematographer

  • Jasper Spanning for 'Queen of Hearts'

Best Screenplay

  • Frelle Petersen for 'Uncle'

Arbejdernes Landsbank Talent Award

  • Ulaa Salim for 'Sons of Denmark'

Henning Bahs' Award for Production Design

  • Josephine Farsø for 'Resin'

Honorary Award

  • Wikke & Rasmussen

Special Award

  • The Danish Film Institute's streaming service for silent films, stumfilm.dk. 

Best American Feature

  • 'Marriage Story' by Noah Baumbach

Best Non-American Feature

  • 'Parasite' by Bong Joon-ho