Nordic Council Film Prize to Per Fly's "Manslaughter"


12 October
The Nordic Council Film
Prize 2005 went to Per Fly and Zentropa's "Manslaughter". The award,
announced today at a press conference at the Danish Film Institute, is a
cash prize of 47,000 euro which will be handed over to its recipients at a
ceremony during the annual Session of the Nordic Council on Wednesday 26
October in Reykjavik.
The cash prize will be
shared equally between "Manslaughter" originators: director Per Fly,
producer Ib Tardini and scriptwriters Kim Leona, Dorte Høgh, Mogens Rukov
and Per Fly.
"Manslaughter" is the
third film in Fly's societal trilogy: The first film, "The Bench", dealt
with the working class, "Inheritance" was a dissection of the wealthy
elite, and this third film spotlights on the middle class. Jesper
Christensen, Beate Bille, Charlotte Fich and Pernille August play the
leading roles in "Manslaughter".
The first two films in
the trilogy have enjoyed enormous success at home and abroad.
"Manslaughter", released in national cinemas 26 August, also a critical
success, is playing to packed theatres, with admissions now over 300,000
in its first weeks.
Ten films, two from each
of the Nordic countries, were nominated by a Jury consisting of members
from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.
The Jury's motivation
includes the following appraisal: "Manslaughter" demonstrates that actions
always carry consequences. The film runs through the entire register of
realism, reciting a tough story in a simple form, but without compromising
its complexity. Each dilemma stands out clearly in the cold clear light of
the killing, which cannot be undone, but may be atoned for. "Manslaughter"
is a great Nordic film, which speaks from the heart about timeless issues,
but does so in the language of our time and on its own terms.
Per Fly, an awardwinning
director, received in September the Danish Crown Prince Couple's Arts
Award for his societal trilogy.
For further
Nordisk Råds Filmpris,
Svend Abrahamsen, +47
2328 3939, nftf@nftf.netKarin
Arvidson, +45 2171 7145,