Odense International Film Festival 14-19 August 2000

Director Ben Van
Lieshout, The Netherlands, was awarded the Grand Prix for his film 'De
Zone'. For further information on international awards go to www.filmfestival.dk.
At the national
award presentation, Cathrine Asmussen's children's film 'Ghetto Princess',
produced by Koncern Film Production, received the festival's Grand Prix.
About two girls of different ethnic and religious backgrounds, the film
was described by the jury as one of exceptional beauty . a film which
transcends prejudice and creates hope for the future.
The award for Best
Documentary was given to Tómas Gislason's 'Maximum Penalty', produced by
Bech Film, and in the category of Best Short Film, Michael W. Horsten was
awarded for his children's film '
Going Back Home',
produced by ASA Film.