"Worlds Apart" to Berlin

Danish director Niels Arden Oplev's "Worlds Apart" is selected to compete in Berlin (7-17 February) in the Generation 14plus programme, which also marks the film's international premiere.
Niels Arden Oplev won the Crystal Bear in 2006 for "We Shall Overcome", one of the best-selling Danish features of that year. Now returning to compete in the youth programme with his drama "Worlds Apart", the director picks up on a similar theme, the struggle between authoritarian convention and being true to oneself: 17-year-old Sara leads a sheltered existence with her family, members of Jehovah’s Witnesses, when she meets the outsider Teis and falls in love. Sara, herself a believer, now faces an important turning point in her life.
Two Danish features have already been selected for competition: "Worlds Apart" thus joins Natasha Arthy's "Fighter" in the Generation 14plus programme, while "A Tale of Two Mozzies" by Flemming Quist Møller and Jannik Hastrup is selected for Generation Kplus.
Screenings of the three films in competition will take place at the following venues:
Worlds Apart (Generation 14plus)11.02.08 at 19:30, Babylon13.02.08 at 17:00, Babylon16.02.08 at 17:30, Colosseum 1
Fighter (Generation 14plus)10.02.08 at 17:00, Babylon12.02.08 at 17:30, Colosseum 114.02.08 at 09:00, Babylon
A Tale of Two Mozzies (Generation Kplus)09.02.08 at 10:30, Zoo Palast 110.02.08 at 10:00, Cubix 811.02.08 at 09:00, CinemaxX 317.02.08 at 09:30, CinemaxX 3
For further information:Berlin Filmfestivalenwww.berlinale.deDFI factsheets Worlds Apart Fighter A Tale of Two Mozzies
TrailersWorlds Apart FighterA Tale of Two Mozzies DFI Awards & NominationsBerlin honours to Danish filmsInternational salesNordisk Film International Sales, +45 3618 8200, www.nordiskfilmsales.com
Danish Film InstituteChristian Juhl Lemche, +45 3374 3464, christianjl@dfi.dkLizette Gram Mygind, +45 3374 3506, lizetteg@dfi.dk