Support for digital cinema

FUNDING. The Danish Film Institute's new programme to support theatres in the necessary transition to digital cinema aims at the whole sector, says head of DFI Audience & Promotion Steffen Andersen-Møller.

As the national agency responsible for upholding a strong cinema culture in Denmark, the Danish Film Institute has been concerned with finding a viable solution to the great challenge of recent years: the critical technological leap from traditional film to digital cinema.

The new support programme is designed to meet the requirements of the Danish cinema market characterized by a fine-meshed national network of theatres with high-quality programming. Effective from August 2011, the programme consists of two support initiatives:

Support for the investment in digital equipment:

The Film Institute supports cinemas in non-urban areas and cinemas with a repertoire of predominantly European films in their investment in digital equipment. Each cinema may receive a single grant portion of DKK 200,000 (26,810 euro).

Key facts

Cinemas in Denmark
Cinemas with digital screens (June 2011)
13 m
Tickets sold in Denmark in 2010
Tickets sold per capita in 2010
National market share

More statistics

Support for digital screenings of Danish films:

With this second part of the programme, the Film Institute grants support to the remaining cinemas based on the number of screenings of Danish films. Each Danish film equals DKK 2,500 (335 euro) in support, and each cinema can receive a maximum of DKK 200,000 (26,810 euro).

A broad solution

Steffen Andersen-Møller, DFI head of Audience & Promotion, comments on the new programme:

"Finding a broad solution that supports all cinemas was one of the key points in the new Film Accord for 2011-2014 agreed upon last year in October."

"Our main concern is to ensure a rich and diverse supply of films throughout the country – whether you live in the city or in a small community far from the multiplexes. By supporting the small local cinemas and the art cinemas in their investments in new equipment as well as the remaining part of the sector with an incentive for screening Danish films, we target the cinema sector in its full complexity."