Danish day at Göteborg

FESTIVAL. Göteborg International Film Festival highlights Danish cinema on 1 February with film premieres, seminars and a party.

14 new films, a retrospective series, a Danish day and a party. Göteborg International Film Festival offers a cornucopia of Danish cinema when the first of several initiatives, launched on the occasion of the Danish EU Presidency to bring Europeans closer to Danish films, kicks off at the festival 27 January-6 February.

Göteborg brings Danish film into focus in the section "Nordic Light: Denmark", featuring 14 new films, five features and nine documentaries, including "Love Is in the Air" by Simon Staho, "Superclásico" by Ole Christian Madsen and "The Ambassador" by Mads Brügger.

Seminars: Scherfig and new Danish documentary 

All films will be shown 1 February, which is "Danish day". On this day, the festival presents two seminars: A master class with Lone Scherfig, director of "Italian for Beginners", "An Education" and "One Day", and a seminar on Danish documentary versus features, featuring directors Eva Mulvad, Birgitte Stærmose and Mads Matthiesen and artistic director of the talent fund New Danish Screen, Jakob Høgel. Here the filmmakers will discuss the boom of creativity that Danish documentary experiences at the moment, and ways to transfer this force into fiction. Read more about the seminars

In addition, Mads Matthiesen's "Teddy Bear" is selected for the Nordic Competition, where it has the chance to win the Dragon Award for Best Nordic Film. "Teddy Bear", currently competing at Sundance, has its European premiere at Göteborg.

Rúnar Rúnarssons "Volcano" will be shown in the section Nordic Light, and finally two graduation films from The National Film School of Denmark will be shown in the short film program.

Danish films at Göteborg International Film Festival:

Dragon Award Best Nordic Film
Teddy Bear by Mads Matthiesen

Nordic light: Denmark
Love Is in the Air by Simon Staho
Out of Bounds by Frederikke Aspöck
Miss Julie by Linda Wendel
Superclásico by Ole Christian Madsen
Room 304 af Birgitte Stærmose
The Ambassador by Mads Brügger
The Samurai Case by Eva Mulvad
Au Pair by Nicole N. Horanyi and Heidi Kim Andersen
Love Addict by Pernille Rose Grønkjær
Karen Blixen – Behind Her Mask by Morten Henriksen
1/2 Revolution by Omar Shargawi
The Will by Christian Sønderby Jepsen
Putin's Kiss by Lise Birk Pedersen
A Kind Of Paradise by Andreas Johnsen

Danish retrospective – feature films
Notebook from China by Jørgen Leth
Nightwatch by Ole Bornedal
Breaking the Waves af Lars von Trier
Italian for Beginners by Lone Scherfig
Brothers by Susanne Bier
Go with Peace Jamil by Omar Shargawi

Danish retrospective – short films
Dennis by Mads Matthiesen
The Vicious Circle by Lone Scherfig
Me as Usual by Martin Pieter Zandvliet
Sophie by Birgitte Stærmose
Happy Now by Frederikke Aspöck

Nordic light – feature films
Volcano by Rúnar Rúnarsson

Nordic light – short films
Wig Studio by Sofie Tønsberg
Meeting My Father Kasper Top Hat by Lea Glob

Göteborg International Film Festival 27 January-6 February