The Look of Silence and Flotel Europa win prizes in Berlin

BERLIN. Joshua Oppenheimer's "The Look of Silence" wins the Peace Film Prize, and Vladimir Tomic's "Flotel Europa" wins the Tagesspiegel Reader's Jury Award.

Two Danish films were awarded when the independent juries gave out their prizes today at the Berlinale.

Joshua Oppenheimer's second documentary about the Indonesian genocide, "The Look of Silence," won the Peace Film Prize, awarded under the patronage of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War.

"The Look of Silence is produced by Signe Byrge Sørensen for Final Cut for Real. Read interview with Joshua Oppenheimer

Vladimir Tomic's documentary about his memories from growing up on the refugee ship "Flotel Europa," received the Reader's Jury Award from the Berlin-based daily newspaper Der Tagesspiegel.

"Flotel Europa" is produced by Selma Jusufbegovic og Srdjan Keca. Read interview with Vladimir Tomic

See all the Independent Jury Prize winners