Melancholia wins Danish Critics Awards

AWARDS. Lars von Trier's "Melancholia" was voted Best Danish Film at the 65th Bodil Awards, presented Saturday 3 March 2012 by the Danish Film Critics' Association. "A Funny Man" won 4 awards, including Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor.

Best Danish Film
Melancholia - Lars von Trier

Best Actor
Nikolaj Lie Kaas – A Funny Man

Best Actress
Lene Maria Christensen – A Family

Best Supporting Actor
Lars Ranthe – A Funny Man

Best Supporting Actress
Paprika Steen - SuperClásico

Best Documentary Film
The Will - Christian Sønderby Jepsen

Best Director of Photography
Manuel Alberto Claro – Melancholia, Rebounce

Best Production Design 
Charlotte Bay Garnov and Peter Grant – Dirch

Best Foreign Film (other than USA)
A Separation - Asghar Farhadi

Best American Film
Winter's Bone - Debra Granik

Special Bodil
Jes Graversen, film distributor, Miracle Film

Honorary Bodil
Ghita Nørby, actress

Blockbuster Audience Award
A Funny Man - Martin Zandvliet

Ib Award
Ib Tardini