Summer appointments


New talent
development pool A talent development pool has been set up as
the result of a partnership involving Danmarks Radio, TV 2/Danmark, and
the DFI. It is designed to ensure the continual development of the idiom
and narrative of cinema so that Danish film can maintain and strengthen
its dynamism and diversity. This pool is based on the four-year film and
media contract agreed on by the government, which ensures that about DKK
25 m will be available for these purposes. Vinca Wiedemann, presently
a DFI-film consultant, has been appointed artistic director.
Jens Arnoldus, who has
had years of experience as a producer and production manager, and served
as head of the production faculty at the National Film School of Denmark,
has been appointed producer and will commence duties on 15
The talent development
pool will be based at the DFI Film House, Gothersgade 55, and is expected
to commence operations on 1 September. An official name for the pool will
be announced at a later date. A description of the scheme and conditions
for applications will be published at a later date.
New DFI film
consultantLena Hansson will take up the post as feature film
consultant on 15 September, taking over from Vinca Wiedemann, who has been
appointed artistic director of the talent development pool.
Lena Hansson comes from
a similar post at the Swedish Film Institute where she was responsible for
feature co-productions at SVT in Stockholm and Malmö. In the early 1990s
she served as head of production at the Swedish Film Institute. Lena
Hansson is a familiar figure in Danish film production, as she has
provided co-production support for a number of the most successful Danish
films of recent years.
Henning Camre: "By
appointing Lena Hansson the DFI has ensured the services of an acclaimed,
highly qualified personality to carry out the film consultant's duties. By
her efforts in Sweden she has demonstrated her ability to combine artistic
considerations with respect for the audience, and she is renowned as a
positive sparring partner in the developmental process that always
precedes exceptional films".
Board extends
appointment of DFI's CEO The DFI board has extended the term
of its CEO, Henning Camre, until the end of 2006. Henning Camre was
appointed on a six-year contract at the beginning of 1998. He has been
responsible for the establishment of the new film institute and
implementing a coherent overall film policy.
The 1997 Film Act
secured the establishment of the present DFI (which incorporates the
former Danish Film Institute, the National Film Board of Denmark, and the
Danish Film Museum). During Henning Camre's tenure the DFI has developed
dramatically. A vital aspect of his work has been to amalgamate the three
former bodies, to get them to function successfully as one organization.
As a result professional skills - once limited to the individual
organization - are now exploited by the entire institute.
Henning Camre's notable
achievements include the preparation and implementation of the two most
recent government film agreements. He has also made a powerful
contribution to the current state of Danish film with its central position
in the arts not only in Denmark but also abroad.
For further information:The new funding
poolVinca Wiedemann, +45 3374 3504,
DFI Press & InformationAgnete Dorph
Stjernfelt, tel + 45 3374 3505 / Vicki Synnott, tel +45
3374 3438 /