Facts & Figures 2004 now available on dfi.dk

release17.06.2004Facts & Figures 2004 is divided into chapters,
focusing on various subjects such as 2003 releases, Danish feature film
financing, cinemas in Denmark, film for children and youth, DVD and trade

The brochure provides the
reader with a variety of information:

209 new films
were released in Danish cinemas in 2003, while 629 titles in all were

The national
share of the box office is still one of the highest in Europe: 26

Admissions to
Danish cinemas in 2003 reached 12.3 million, which indicates that Danes
went to the cinema 2.3 times during the year.

Danish films
for children and youth took a stronghold at the box office, selling some
1.3 million admissions in 2003.

The number of
admissions to Danish feature films screened in France and Germany is
higher than the total of French and German films screened in Denmark.

For further

Facts &
Figures 2004http://www.dfi.dk/sitemod/moduler/index_english.asp?pid=1880

Danish Film Institute
Vicki Synnott, +45 3374 3438, +45 5054
5011, vickis@dfi.dk