Danish Film Academy Robert Awards 2008

Peter Schønau Fog's "The Art of Crying" swept the table with eight awards, followed closely by Nikolaj Arcel's "Island of Lost Souls" which brought home five awards.In all, 25 honours were presented on Sunday, February 3, at the Danish Film Academy's Robert Award ceremony in Copenhagen:
Best Feature Film"The Art of Crying", director Peter Schønau Fog, produced by Thomas Stenderup for Final Cut Productions.
Best Children and Youth Film"Island of Lost Souls", director Nikolaj Arcel, produced by Sarita Christensen and Meta Louise Foldager for Zentropa Productions.
Best DirectorPeter Schønau Fog for "The Art of Crying"
Best Leading ActorLars Brygmann for "White Night"
Best Supporting ActorJesper Asholt for "The Art of Crying"
Best Leading ActressNoomi Rapace for "Daisy Diamond"
Best Supporting ActressHanne Hedelund for "The Art of Crying"
Best ScreenplayBo Hr. Hansen for "The Art of Crying"
Best Director of PhotographyDan Laustsen for "Just Another Love Story"
Best Production DesignNiels Sejer for "Island of Lost Souls"
Best WardrobeMargrethe Rasmussen for "The Art of Crying"
Best Make-upKamilla Bjerglind for "Island of Lost Souls"
Best Special EffectsHummer Højmark and Jeppe Nygaard Christensen for "Island of Lost Souls"
Best Sound DesignHans Christian Kock and Claus Lynge for "Island of Lost Souls"
Best EditorAnders Villadsen for "Just Another Love Story"
Best Music ScoreKarsten Fundal for "The Art of Crying"
Best Song"Lille Svale" by Elisabeth Gjerluff Nielsen for "Karla's World"
Best Foreign Film (other than USA)"Eastern Promises", director David Cronenberg
Best American Film"The Bourne Ultimatum", director Paul Greengrass"Ratatouille", director Brad Bird
Honorary RobertOle John, long-standing teacher at the National Film School of Denmark.
Audience Award"The Art of Crying", director Peter Schønau Fog.
Best Short Documentary"The World in Denmark", director Max Kestner
Best Long Documentary"Milosevic on Trial", director Michael Christoffersen
Best Short Fiction"Boy Meets Girl", director Søren Frellesen
Best Long Fiction"Young Man Falling", director Martin de Thurah
For further information:
About the Robert AwardsThe Robert is the film industry's award, presented yearly since 1984 by the Danish Film Academy. The Robert statuette is created by and named after the Danish artist Robert Jacobsen.Danish Film Academy / Danmarks Film Academywww.filmakademiet.dkDanish Film InstituteAnnemarie Hørsman, +45 3374 3438, annemarieh@dfi.dk