Nordic Council Film Prize nominations go to ...

Two Danish feature film debuts are nominated for the Nordic Council Film Prize 2007: Peter Schønau Fog's "The Art of Crying" and Morten Hartz Kaplers' "AFR".
"The Art of Crying"This film "chillingly dramatizes the gap between the innocent idealism of childhood beliefs and the starker reality of adulthood. Emotionally devastating and astonishingly mature, this is a unique feature debut", wrote Steve Gravestock in his rave review. Gravestock is programmer of the Toronto International Film Festival, where the film had its world premiere in 2006. Since its release "The Art of Crying" has won 13 awards at international festivals.
Bo Hr Hansen wrote the screenplay, which is based on a novel by Erling Jepsen. Thomas Stenderup produced for Final Cut Productions.
"AFR"Co-winner of the top prize or VPRO Tiger Award at Rotterdam International Film Festival 2007, "AFR" is a film Morten Hartz Kaplers felt compelled to make. In his own words: "I once recorded a Scandinavian writer who said: 'if there is something that scares you because it can threaten democracy or destroy your life, then you have to write about it. Because then, you are on to something important'. This stayed with me, and made me make the film".Morten Hartz Kaplers and Allan Milter Jakobsen wrote the screenplay, Meta Louise Foldager produced for Liberty Film.
A maximum of two films from each of the five Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) are nominated by the national juries. An overview of all nominations is found on the website of Nordic Council, see below. The winner will be announced on 9 October, and the award presented on 31 October during the Annual Session of the Nordic Council. The prize is accompanied by €47,000, to be shared between the scriptwriter, the director and the producer.
For further information:Nordic Council websiteThe Nordic Council Film PrizeDFI factsheetsAFRThe Art of CryingDanish Film Institute (DFI)Christian Juhl Lemche,, + 45 3374 3464, + 45 2148 8522Vicki Marie Synnott,, + 45 3374 3438, +45 5054 5011sd