Danish classics in Swahili

CHILDREN & YOUTH. African children will be able to enjoy film classics in their own language, Swahili, when Danish children and youth films showcase this summer at Zanzibar Film Festival. This marks the third year of involvement for the Danish Film Institute, who have collaborated with the Zanzibar festival in developing a section for children and youth.

The Children & Film Panorama section of the Zanzibar International Film Festival (ZIFF) will present films from South Africa, France and Denmark in July. Among the ten films from Denmark are "Karla and Jonas", Jannik Hastrup's classic hit "Samson & Sally" and the short fiction "The Mouse".

As a treat for the younger children, the Danish Film Institute (DFI) has arranged for the dubbing of Mihail Badicas animated version of "Hans the Clopper" to Swahili. Last year three other films "The Little Knight", "War and Peas" and "The Tinder Box" were dubbed. All four films are available for the East African festival circuit and to Danish Embassies in the region.


Together with local filmmakers, the DFI's aim is to encourage an interest in developing films for children and youth, and to be supportive in sowing the seeds of a film culture for the young people of East Africa, who make up 50% of the population.

This year concludes the collaboration of the past three years, where the DFI and ZIFF have developed and established a children and youth section at the festival. The two parties will now begin plans for the future of Children & Film Panorama section.

The 13th Zanzibar International Film Festival will take place from 10-18 July. Charlotte Giese, Head of the Children & Youth unit of the DFI, will attend the festival.

Children & Film Panorama is generously supported by the Danish Arts Agency, Danish Center for Culture and Development and King Frederik IX and Queen Ingrid's Foundation.

Danish films participating at ZIFF 2010

Karla and Jonas (Charlotte Sachs Bostrup, 2010)
Storm (Giacomo Campeotto, 2009)
Samson and Sally (Jannik Hastrup, 1984)
The Boy Who Wanted to be a Bear (Jannik Hastrup, 2003)
Ernst and His New Football (Alice de Champfleury, 2002)
Ernst in Tivoli (Alice de Champfleury, 2002)
Whistleless (Siri Melchior, 2009)
The Bird that could Tell Fortunes (Katia Forbert Petersen, Annette Mari Olsen, 2007)
Hans the Clopper (Mihail Badica, 1999)
Musen (Pil Maria Gunnarsson, 2009)

See extract from "Hans the Cloppper" in Swahili