Resources and reports

The Danish Film Institute is engaged in a number of international projects using film as an educational tool. Below is an overview of resources and reports relating to this work – for inspiration or further research for those working in areas such as film education, media literacy and cinema culture for children and young people.

Film: A language without borders (2018)

The project aims to understand how film can enable children and young people in schools to share, discuss and exchange understandings of different societies and cultures in ways unique to cinema. Read about the project.


Language Without Borders Project Report

Language Without Borders Research Report

Resource materials in English

Resource materials in German

A framework for film education (2014-2015)

The project seeks to consolidate a body of theory, practices and principles behind various European film education activities. Read about the project.

Film as a Tool in Refugee Camps / in Schools and Communities in Developing Countries

These basic guides can inspire people working with children in either refugee camps or in schools/communities in developing countries to use film as part of their job. The guides offer advice on what should be considered when selecting films and how to prepare a good shared experience with the children.


Charlotte Giese
Special Adviser
Tel. +45 2332 9030

Barbara Rovsing Olsen
Project Coordinator
Tel. +45 2286 9043