Frank Piasecki Poulsen is new commissioner for documentaries

FILM PEOPLE. The Danish Film Institute has appointed filmmaker Frank Piasecki Poulsen as new commissioner for documentary films.

Frank Piasecki Poulsen graduated from the National Film School of Denmark in 2001 and has worked as director, screenwriter and consultant. He has served as project manager on the interactive video universe Everyday, developed by CPH:DOX, and was initiator and head of the documentary programme at the Johan Borup College in Copenhagen.

CEO of the Danish Film Institute Claus Ladegaard says:

"Frank Piasecki Poulsen is a strong voice in Danish film. As a director, he has signed prominent and bold films such as 'Blood in the Mobile' and 'The Kidnapping of Ingrid Betancourt', which take place in some of the world's most dangerous areas. He has great experience in the media world as a developer, teacher and much more. Frank Piasecki Poulsen arrives with a large and broad commitment to cultural and social issues, which I am sure will benefit Danish documentary film."

Frank Piasecki Poulsen says:

"As commissioner, I look forward to helping maintain and develop Denmark's role as a leading documentary nation. To me, a good film is one that opens up, through a specific topic, to something universal and gives an understanding of general human issues. I am also preoccupied with how documentary film can benefit from the many new opportunities in the media development to create even greater audience engagement."

Frank Piasecki Poulsen replaces Anders Riis-Hansen and takes on his new post on 1 October.

Film Commissioner Scheme

The Film Commissioner subsidy scheme supports films that are artistically innovative and challenge their audiences. The scheme may fund features, documentaries and short films.

The commissioners aim at supporting the best projects on the merit of their content and artistic quality, performing a subjective assessment grounded in a professionally competent analysis. Each commissioner is backed by a producer who provides an assessment of the project's financial and technical aspects.

Six film commissioners
/ as per 1 October 2019

Feature films:
Kalle Bjerkø
Silje Riise Næss
Lotte Svendsen (children and youth)

Short and documentary films:
Cecilia Lidin
Frank Piasecki Poulsen
Ulla Hæstrup (children and youth)