Fund for projects from Greenland and the Faeroe Islands open for second round

FUNDING. The NORDDOK fund is being extended for the next three years to promote the film scenes in Greenland and the Faroe Islands, and foster more documentary projects from the two nations.

In 2019, Denmark, the Faroe Islands and Greenland agreed to establish the NORDDOK fund, focusing on supporting documentary films and TV productions from the three nations. Among the projects that received production funding under the scheme, Ivalo Frank’s 'The Last Human' recently had its world premiere at CPH:DOX 2022, winning the Nordic:Dox Award.

The scheme has now been extended under the title NORDDOK II. A new grant of DKK 27.1m (EUR 3.6m) from the Danish government is laying the ground for more documentary projects and, in turn, raising awareness of the commonwealth of the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Denmark, known as the Unity of the Realm.

NORDDOK II will fund film development, production and promotion, and will continue to be administered by the Danish Film Institute.

A central innovation in NORDDOK II, running through 2024, is a separate focus on building skills and networks as a key area of application, thus promoting the development of sustainable film scenes in Greenland and the Faroe Islands.


Annemarie Hørsman
Communication Officer
Tel. +45 3374 3474

A Steering Committee oversees the skills and network development aspect, while a documentary editorial board assesses applications for project funding.

Both the Steering Committee and the Editorial Board are made up of representatives from Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Denmark:

Steering Committee:

  • Naja Brandt, Department of Education, Culture, Sport and Church, Naalakkersuisut
  • Tina Í Dali Wagner, Head of Filmshusið, Tórshavn
  • Claus Ladegaard, CEO of the Danish Film Institute

Editorial Board:

  • Klaus Georg Hansen, Chairman of, Greenland
  • Jan Berg Jørgensen, Head of Communications, Faroe Islands
  • Heidi Kim Andersen, Film Commissioner, Danish Film Institute


NORDDOK is a fund dedicated to documentaries about Greenland and the Faroe Islands. The first version, NORDDOK I, ran in 2019 with a one-time allotment of DKK 10m (EUR 1.34m). The extension of the fund, NORDDOK II, will run from 2022-2024 with an allotment of DKK 27.1m (EUR 3.6m).

Realised projects

During NORDDOK I, the Editorial Board received a total of 39 applications for development funding.

Of these projects, 6 received development funding, while 3 films of them later received production funding:

  • 'Siunissaq – The Last Human', directed by Ivalo Frank, (premiere CPH:DOX 2022)
  • 'Skål', directed by Cecilie Debell and Maria Guldbrandsø Tórgarð, (premiere CPH:DOX 2021)
  • 'Heartist', directed by Marianna Mørkøre and Beinta á Torkilsheyggi, (in production).