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Danish Film History: 1960-1969
The fast spread of televisions in Danish homes threatens movie theatre ticket sales. In accepting the necessity of economic support to the needy Danish film branch, the Film Law of 1964 formalizes…
Danish Film History: 1950-1959
In the 1950s the melodrama returns with the popular Morten Korch film adaptations and the Father of Four (Far til fire) family films. Another direction pursued in the 50s is problem-oriented films,…
Danish Film History: 1940-1949
During the German occupation Danish films switch character and become darker, while also putting more focus on the national. Documentary filmmaking is flowering, and it becomes the norm to show…
Danish Film History: 1930-1939
In the 1930s talkies make their way into Denmark and jovial comedies with songs, so- called folk-comedies, became the decade's dominant genre. Poul Henningsen directs the documentary Danmark, which…
Danish Film History: 1920-1929
Throughout the 1920's Nordisk Film's decline continues. The company receives strong competition from another company, Palladium, which achieves success with the comedy duo Fyrtaarnet og Bivognen. It…
Danish Film History: 1910-1920
The Danish cinemas golden age lasted from 1910 to 1920. The period's leading director is Benjamin Christensen, and the two Danish actors Asta Nielsen and Valdemar Psilander achieve both national and…