

Cecilie Debell, Maria Tórgarð, Faeroe Islands, 2021

75 min.DK/Documentary

Dania, 21, grew up in a Christian congregation on the Faroe Islands. She recently moved to Tórshavn, where she became romantically involved with hip-hop artist and poet Trygvi, aka Silver boy. He is from a secular family and writes dark hip-hop lyrics. Fascinated by Trygvi’s courage to write brutally honest lyrics about being human, Dania starts writing more personal texts that amount to a collection of poems, ‘Skál’, critical of the double life she and other young people are forced to live in order to fit within the strict Christian framework. Where to draw the line, when you are young and Christian? Is it a sin to drink? Is it a sin to have a boyfriend who isn’t Christian? How long is it possible to uphold a double life?
Basic information Credits
Original title Skál
Danish title Skål
Keywords Faroe Islands, The, Young people, Women, Young women, Love, Sweethearts, Belief, Christianity, Families, Poets, Poems, 2020-2030
Director Cecilie Debell, Maria Tórgarð
Producer Heidi Kim Andersen
Director of Photography Cecilie Debell, Troels Rasmus Jensen, Rógvi Rasmussen, Maria Tórgarð, Jens Jákup Hansen
Editor Rebekka Lønqvist
Sound Kasper Janus Rasmussen, Jacques Pedersen
Composer Ólavur Jákupsson
Production country Faeroe Islands, Denmark
Domestic distribution Danmarks Radio
International sales DR International Sales
Danish theatrical release 13.05.2021
Online release 29.09.2021, Filmcentralen
Comment World premiere at CPH:DOX. Cecilie Debell has worked in TV as a director and post-producer on documentary series. Her feature-length debut 'My Mother Is Pink' (2017) was selected for CPH:DOX and Sheffield DocFest. Faroese director Maria Tórgarð is debuting in the long form with 'Skál'.
DFI subsidy Norddok
Danish rating Allowed for all
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Production company Made in Copenhagen ApS
Co-production Kykmyndir
With support from Norddok, Film om Grønland, Færøerne og Danmark, Det Danske Filminstitut, Danmarks Radio
In collaboration with KVF, VGTV, SVT, KNR
Domestic distribution Danmarks Radio


Direction Cecilie Debell
Direction Maria Tórgarð


Producer Heidi Kim Andersen
Co-producer Jon Hammer
Production manager Henriette Kræmer
Executive producer Helle Faber
Production assistant Sólvá Svartafoss
Production assistant Rannvá Jónsdóttir Johansen
Production assistant Esther á Fjallinum
Production assistant Anita Hermansen
Production assistant Anna Ofelia Ørum Borregaard
Production assistant Niels Constantin Brun Ejlers
Executive producer Helle Faber


Cinematographer Cecilie Debell
Cinematographer Troels Rasmus Jensen
Cinematographer Rógvi Rasmussen
Cinematographer Maria Tórgarð
Camera assistant Fríði Birgirsson Olsen
Cinematographer Jens Jákup Hansen


Editor Rebekka Lønqvist
Assistant editor Karoline Ellekær Bisgaard
Trailer editor Mik Stampe


Composer Ólavur Jákupsson
Music supervisor Cecilie Karpinski


Sound designer Kasper Janus Rasmussen
Sound designer Jacques Pedersen
Mixer Kasper Janus Rasmussen
Mixer Jacques Pedersen

Visual effects

Graphic design Rasmus Lange
Online Adam Bendixen
Colorist Anders V. Christensen
Assistant colorgrader Maria Klarlund

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