A Danish filmmaker stumbles upon an old notebook, belonging to a Hungarian man who recorded his cinema visits behind the Iron Curtain. No less than 2158 films are accurately dated in the cinematic diary - and he loved action films more than anything else! But who was the book's mysterious owner and why did he document his cinema trips? Ida Marie Gedbjerg Sørensen visits his family and draws a portrait of three generations in modern-day Hungary. Secret dreams and repressed traumas surface, as she delves into the mystery of his passion for film in a complex family narrative with many shadows and twists and turns. With film clips from the book's 2158 titles, 'The Lost Notebook' is a loving and creative tribute to the film and the strangers sitting next to you in the darkness of the cinema. And it proves that filmmaking is not just an escape, but a place to meet each other.
Abonnér på 'Nyheder fra Filminstituttet' og få seneste nyt om dansk film og Filminstituttets aktiviteter i din indbakke. Nyhedsbrevet udkommer 3-4 gange om måneden.