
Where·to with History

Hans Christian Post, Denmark, 2020

63 min.DK/Documentary

Dresden has in recent years grown both famous and infamous. Famous for its attempt to reconstruct its once bombed-out historical center. Infamous for the right-wing-surge that has since 2015 swept the city. One the one hand, the city exemplifies the ‘blooming landscapes’ that everyone hoped the German reunification in 1990 would bring about. On the other hand, it testifies to all the things that have gone wrong in Germany and Europe since that time. Every Monday evening, the two realities clash dramatically, as the Pegida movement takes to the streets to rally against foreigners, refugees, politicians, and the media. But do the two realities oppose each other? Or has the attempt to architecturally reproduce what was lost in 1945 been instrumental in bringing back the political ghosts of that very same era? Where·to with History? looks into the connections between architecture and politics in Dresden, and thereby depicts a city caught up in a destructive past that just won't go away.
Basic information Credits
Original title Wohin mit der Geschichte?
Danish title Hvorhen med historien?
Director Hans Christian Post
Editor Karoline Schulz
Sound Helen Neikes
Appearance Jens Baur, Harald Bretschneider, Gerhard Glaser, Nora Goldenbogen
Production country Denmark, Germany
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Production company Post Behrens Produktion, Time Prints AG


Direction Hans Christian Post


Executive producer Hans Christian Post
Executive producer Michael Truckenbrodt


Camera operator Uwe Bohrer
Camera operator Hans Christian Post


Editor Karoline Schulz


Sound designer Helen Neikes
Mixer Helen Neikes


Appearance Jens Baur
Appearance Harald Bretschneider
Appearance Gerhard Glaser
Appearance Nora Goldenbogen
Appearance Danwart Guratzsh
Appearance Ludwig Güttler
Appearance Manaf Halbouni
Appearance Anja Heckmann
Appearance Torsten Kulke
Appearance Matthias Lerm
Appearance Matthias Neutzner
Appearance Nilsson Samuelsson
Appearance Stephan Trüby
Appearance Jörg Urban

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