
Can’t Feel Nothing

David Borenstein, Denmark, 2024

82 min.DK/Documentary

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres estimated in 2022 that nearly 1 billion people around the world, including millions of children and young people, "have a mental health condition” and declared a global mental health crisis. The film constructs a tapestry of human stories across four continents, depicting a dark comedic and disturbing present where our human emotions are instrumentalized with ruthless efficiency. Are we already losing human autonomy and what might happen when the emotions that make us human are mainly experienced as a way to get us to click on things?
Basic information Credits
Original title Can't Feel Nothing
Danish title Can’t Feel Nothing
Keywords Internet, Emotions, Behaviour, Behaviourism, Social media, Fake news, Addiction, USA, China, Macedonia, Russia, 2020-2030
Director David Borenstein
Producer Mikkel Jersin, Katrin Pors, Eva Jakobsen, Jesper Jack
Production country Denmark
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Production company Snowglobe ApS


Direction David Borenstein


Producer Mikkel Jersin
Producer Katrin Pors
Producer Eva Jakobsen
Producer Jesper Jack

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