
The Navigator

Mikkel Juul Jensen, Denmark, 2018


The Navigator is a 2D puzzle-platformer where the player assumes control of a young boy travelling the high seas. The mysterious world around him is filled with floating rocks that have various celestial properties, and the player must help the boy align these celestial rocks to lead him on his journey
Basic information Credits
Original title The Navigator
Danish title The Navigator
Director Mikkel Juul Jensen
Sound Mikkel Juul Jensen
Production country Denmark
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Production company Team Navigator


Direction Mikkel Juul Jensen


Sound designer Mikkel Juul Jensen

Visual effects

Artist Sara Bøgh


Game design Johannes von Folsach
Technical artist Chris Carvelli

Interactive crew

Programmer Alexander Astrup
Programmer Chris Carvelli
Programmer Kasper Christian Hansen
Programmer Oliviér Árnits
QA Alexander Astrup
QA Johannes von Folsach

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