
La colline aux cailloux

Marjolaine Perreten, Switzerland, 2022

30 min.Short fictionChildren's films, Animation

A small family of shrews, made up of a grandmother, a mother and her three children, lives on the edge of a stream. But one day, heavy rains fall, bringing floods that sweep away the village. Luckily, the family escapes the worst, but their house is totally destroyed. Forced into exile, the little family then sets out to find a new place before winter.
Basic information Credits
Original title La colline aux cailloux
Danish title Den lange rejse
Director Marjolaine Perreten
Editor Marina Rossetti
Composer Yan Volsy
Production country Switzerland
International sales Nadasdy Film
Online release 07.03.2024, Filmcentralen
Danish rating Allowed for all
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Production company Nadasdy Film


Direction Marjolaine Perreten


Editor Marina Rossetti


Composer Yan Volsy

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