Combining the exultant sweep of epic period drama with the subtle intimacy of biography in a social perspective, this is a tale of materially impoverished childhood, struggling early manhood and an unrequited first love turned into good musical fortune for Carl Nielsen, one of the great composers of the 20th century. Based on the composer's autobiography, the film itself is designed to soar like a symphony.
Palads, Palladium, Bio Lyngby, Scala (Aalborg), Scala (Holstebro), Biografen (Århus), Kino (Kolding), Lido (Vejle), Ballerup Bio, Fønix (Odense), Kino (Roskilde), Bio (Næstved), Grand (Randers), ABC (Horsens), Bio (Silkeborg), Scala (Svendborg), Grand, Fotorama (Viborg), Cinema Center (Herning), Strandbio (Esbjerg), Palads (Frederikshavn), Bio (Hjørring), Kosmorama (Sønderborg), Kosmorama (Haderslev), Bio (Middelfart), Kino (Kalundborg), Bio (Køge), Bio (Rønne), Kino (Nyborg), Scala (Nykøbing F), Saga (Nakskov), Biocenter (Skive), Bio (Ribe), Bio (Varde), Bio (Birkerød), BioCity (Tåstrup)
TV release
26.12.1995, DR, Sendt som tv-serie i tre dele 26.12.1995-28.12.1995 og genudsendt en måned senere.
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