
Achilles' Heel is My Weapon

Jytte Rex, Denmark, 1979

91 min.DK/Feature

Painter and women's film auteur pioneer ("Veronica's Veil", 1977), Jytte Rex, in her feature's narrative form, "meticulously mirrors a female universe" (Theo Angelópoulos). The love relationship between Clemens, an escaped convict, and Maria is explored. The couple turn outlaw as their child is seen by Clemens as an obstacle to his lust for adventure. Are dreams their only means of escape?
Basic information Credits Materials
Original title Achilleshælen er mit våben
Danish title Achilleshælen er mit våben
Director Jytte Rex
Screenplay Jytte Rex
Producer Nina Crone
Director of Photography Alexander Gruszynski
Editor Grete Møldrup
Sound Dino Raymond Hansen
Appearance Helle Ryslinge, Clemens Hildebrandt, Eileen Hansen, Julia McLean
Production country Denmark
Domestic distribution Kollektiv Film
Technical info 35/o 16, 1,37:1 Academy, color, Sound
Danish theatrical release 19.03.1979
Cinemas Dagmar
Find more Christian Braad Thomsen: Kniplersken og terroristen - dansk film i dag. "Dansk film. Sophienholm", red. Stig Brøgger m.fl. Lyngby-Taarbæk Kommune 1981, s. 119-127.
Susanne Fabricius: Film som kvindelig billedkunst. Susanne Fabricius: "Billeder af en ny virkelighed? - om kvinder, mænd og andet på film". Delta 1981, s. 112-115. (Optryk fra Levende Billeder 3/1979).
Henning Pryds: Det filmiske tekstsystem og "blikket" i Jytte Rex: Achilleshælen er mit våben. "Billeder - læst og påskrevet", red. Svend Erik Larsen og Carsten Nicolaisen. Odense Universitetsforlag 1983, s. 137-161.
Birte Friis og Kirsten Mark: Sårbarhedens påskud. Bidrag, bevidsthedssociologisk tidsskrift 15/1982.
Lone Skovgaard: Rex-billeder. Levende Billeder 3/1985.
Jens Toft: Notater om nogle nyere kvindefilm og filmæstetik. Bidrag, bevidsthedssociologisk tidsskrift 15/1982.
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Production company Det Danske Filmstudie
Domestic distribution Kollektiv Film


Direction Jytte Rex


Script Jytte Rex


Producer Nina Crone
Production assistant Christian Braad Thomsen


Cinematography Alexander Gruszynski
Cinematographer Dirk Brüel
Camera assistant Jimmy Andreasen
Camera assistant Torben Jensen

Electrical dept.

Electrical dept. Leif Barney Fick
Best boy Per Jørgensen


Editing Grete Møldrup


Sound Dino Raymond Hansen
Sound Peer Rievers
Sound Vibeke Mader


Maria Helle Ryslinge
Clemens Clemens Hildebrandt
Appearance Eileen Hansen
Appearance Julia McLean
Appearance Lise Vesterskov
Appearance Søren Danielsen
Appearance Leif Barney Fick
Appearance Anja Philip
Appearance Elli Rex
Appearance Ny Lotz
Appearance Jens Højbjerg
Appearance Ruth Pedersen
Appearance Niels Levin
Appearance Jon Bang Carlsen

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